This is a live Bible study series on the creation. The study is recorded via Zoom. It closely follows the The Biblical Creation series.
In part 1, the first 3 sessions are summarized. The remainder of this part contains all of session #4.
In Part 2, we go through session #5 of the series. There are a few extra details added.
In Part 3, we studied the first day of creation. This corresponds to session #6 of the original series.
In Part 4, we studied the second day of creation, which corresponds to session #7 of the original series.
In Part 5, we studied the third day of creation, which corresponds to session #8 of the original series. We didn't quite complete it.
In Part #6, we started by finishing session #8. Then, we inserted some discussion about a globe earth teaching. Then we studied session #9 about the fourth day.
In Part 7, we studied session #10: The Completed Creation.
In Part 8, we studied session #11 on hell. Then we reviewed highlights from session #1: Exposing the False Cosmoloogy.
In Part 9, we studied some excerpts from session #12: The Mazzaroth. Then we studied session #13: Miracles in the Creation.
In Part 10, studied session #14: Stability and Government. Then we reviewed highlights from session #2: The Modern Mythology.