This series assembles the creation puzzle from the scriptures. Know with confidence how the creation is structured. You won't see the world the way you used to ever again! The sessions in this series should be watched in order since later session build up on details in earlier sessions.
A live Zoom study also exists: The Biblical Creation Live
This study captures the journey that I began without a good understanding of the Biblical creation. However, it led to this series getting started.
Sometimes you have to be woken up before you will receive the truth. The indoctrination of the multitude of lies is powerful, but you can see them for what they are. Then you'll be ready to move forward.
This is a topic of great ridicule. However, as you go through the series, you learn that this is more correct than you could have believed.
This session discusses what eternity might mean and that God had a plan in forming the creation.
This session gives an overview of the creation so that you have some understanding of it before going into the details of its formation in later sessions.
This session looks at the scriptures related to the first day of creation and explains what God might have done. God creates one heaven and the earth.
This session look at the scriptures for the second day of creation. On this day the other two heavens and angels are created.
This session looks at the scriptures related to the third day. On this day the earth is founded and the seas are bounded.
This session discusses the scriptures associated with the fourth day. On this day, God makes man's clock in the heaven.
This session reviews the last 3 days of creation. It focuses on things in the open firmament and some other creation models.
This session looks at the scriptures describing hell.
This session examines the message in the stars that comes through the Mazzaroth.
This session studies scriptures related to miracles involving the creation structure.
This session discusses numerous verses that deal with people and government rather than supernatural disasters in the creation.
This session looks a few impacts to the creation during the second coming. The predominate one is the creation of Tophet (or gehenna).
The session summarizes the series and then looks at the consequences of it by considering multiple paradises.