Click the links to go to each series on this page (or scroll down):
This study looks at the various ways that Bible describes time (i.e., days, weeks, months, etc.).
This study looks at the historical timeline of the Bible to show that about 6000 years of history have occurred, with another 1000 years to come.
This study looks at a 7-day model for history in the book of John.
This video furthers some teaching in "Biblical Time Intervals".
This study presents the scriptures that suggest the Bible's definition of the age of accountability.
This study looks at the dispensations that are defined in the Bible (rather than the commonly taught ones that aren't).
This study examines the holidays defined in the Bible.
This study looks at the timing of Jesus' birth.
This study looks at the timing of Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection.
This study looks at "holidays" that are not in the Bible.
This series studies biblical resurrection. There are 5 sessions. There is also an e-book with more information.